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The SELECT statement can include an AT clause to query previous versions of your data with a specific snapshot ID or timestamp.

This is part of the Databend's Time Travel feature that allows you to query, back up, and restore from a previous version of your data within the retention period.


Before including an AT clause in the SELECT statement, you must enable the new Databend planner. To do so, perform the following command in the SQL client:

> set enable_planner_v2=1;


SELECT ... FROM ... AT ( { SNAPSHOT => <snapshot_id> | TIMESTAMP => <timestamp> } )


Query with a snapshot ID

-- Show snapshot ID
select snapshot_id,timestamp from fuse_snapshot('default', 'ontime2');
| snapshot_id | timestamp |
| 16729481923640f9864c1c8ddd0861e3 | 2022-06-28 09:09:40.190662 |

-- Enable the new Databend planner
set enable_planner_v2 = 1;

-- Query with the snapshot ID
select * from ontime2 at (snapshot=>'16729481923640f9864c1c8ddd0861e3');

Query with a timestamp

-- Create a table
create table demo(c varchar);

-- Insert two rows
insert into demo values('batch1.1'),('batch1.2');

-- Insert another row
insert into demo values('batch2.1');

-- Show timestamps
select timestamp from fuse_snapshot('default', 'demo');
| timestamp |
| 2022-06-22 08:58:54.509008 |
| 2022-06-22 08:58:36.254458 |

-- Enable the new Databend planner
set enable_planner_v2 = 1;

-- Travel to the time when the last row was inserted
select * from demo at (TIMESTAMP => '2022-06-22 08:58:54.509008'::TIMESTAMP);
| c |
| batch1.1 |
| batch1.2 |
| batch2.1 |

-- Travel to the time when the first two rows were inserted
select * from demo at (TIMESTAMP => '2022-06-22 08:58:36.254458'::TIMESTAMP);
| c |
| batch1.1 |
| batch1.2 |